Emily S. Walger

Emily S. Walger

Emily Walger, founder of the Law Office of Emily S. Walger, LLC, is an experienced veterans’ benefits attorney, with more than fifteen years of expertise handling complex veterans’ benefits appeals. Her work includes appeals for veterans and their families before federal courts and the Veterans Administration (“VA”). Her in-depth background in regulatory analysis, combined with extensive negotiation and advocacy experience on behalf of veteran clients, help her achieve exceptional results for veterans nationwide relative to their disability benefit and pension awards.

Emily graduated from American University’s Washington College of Law in 2002 and has been practicing veterans’ law since that time.  She worked as a law clerk for a veterans’ law firm during law school, researching, drafting and filing briefs and motions to be submitted to the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, the United States Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims, the VA Board of Veterans Appeals and VA regional offices nationwide.  She assisted with preparation for oral argument at federal appellate and district court levels, and researched developments in veterans law for client veterans’ advocate organizations.

Emily worked as an attorney for Vietnam Veterans of America (“VVA”) after law school, managing caseloads that averaged hundreds of veterans’ appeals.  Emily’s work at VVA included both oral and written representation of veterans, before the Board of Veterans Appeals and the United States Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims.  She handled Congressional inquiries relative to veterans’ claims, trained new attorneys, supervised legal interns, taught at veterans law seminars along with other VVA attorneys, and represented VVA as needed at Congressional committee meetings. Emily enjoyed assisting a leading, nationally recognized veterans law firm with research and brief writing as she built her own practice. Emily has also been honored to participate as a pro bono attorney with the National Veterans Legal Services Pro Bono Program, providing appellate representation for indigent veterans before the United States Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims.

Since establishing her own law practice in 2007, Emily has continued to focus on providing veterans and their families the best possible representation regarding disability benefit issues, both before the VA and in federal court. She believes that her significant experience in veterans’ law, combined with a commitment to provide personal attention to each of her clients, while using the best available technology to allow for advanced legal representation, has consistently led to success with regard to her clients’ appeals.

Thank you for learning more about Emily’s practice, and to all veterans, thank you for your service.